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24 October 2019

URL format

by Q

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a network. A more general category is named Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

URI = scheme:[//authority]path[?query][#fragement]

authority = [userinfo@]host[:port]

Another way to look URL:

Category Explanation Example
Domain Name The registered identification string used by the Domain name System(DNS) to define a website location.
It is the second last labeled part in a fully qualified domain name(FQDN)
apple.com, google.com, wikipedia.org
Top Level Domain(TLD) last labeled part in a FQDN .com, .net, .org
Subdomain A relative dependence and representing part of a higher level domain.
For example, Domain Name is a subdomain for TLD.
www.apple.com, www.google.com, www.wikipedia.org
Protocol The standard used for data transfer between the host and the client FTP, DNS, DHCP, HTTP/HTTPS, SMTP
Path/File The exact location of a page or other asset https://rmaxiqp.github.io/2019/11/05/DNS, https://rmaxiqp.github.io/2019/10/24/URL
HTML Anchors Website bookmarks and internal page navigation elements https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax
Parameters Key/value pairs at the end of the URL
begin with a ? and separated by an &
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wiki, https://www.google.com/search?q=hello&oq=hello


Updated: 5 November 2019
tags: Network - Web