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21 May 2020

Callback, Promise, Async/Await

by Q

JavaScript provides three different ways to implement an asynchronous function: callback, promise, async/await. They achieve the same goal: let the program continue while you are still waiting for an event occur.

This post will only focus on the syntax difference of using callback, promise and async/await. Making the code simple, we want to let our program print out some strings after certain period of time. For example, let the program print “Hello World!” after sleeping for 1 second.

If we code in Python, we can have something as following:

from time import sleep

print('Hello World!')

Same goal can be achieved by using callback in JavaScript:

function hello_callback() {
    console.log('Hello World!')

// Wait for 1000 ms (1s) then invoke function hello_callback()
setTimeout(hello_callback, 1000)

Using promise or async/await can be little more complicated in this situation. setTimeout() takes a function as input and it doesn’t return a Promise object. Therefore, we will need to convert setTimeout into a Promise object to align with promise or async/await’s syntax.

function timeout(ms) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, ms)

// Do it in promise way
function hello_promise() {
    console.log('Hello World!')


// Do it in async/await way
async function hello_await(ms) {
    await timeout(ms)
    console.log('Hello World!')



Updated: 12 June 2020
tags: Language - Web